1) Compliment us (but only if it's genuine!) - We girls loooooove when you give us a thumbs up and let us know you appreciate us. I'm not saying that you should tell us we're the most beautiful woman in the world (we all know that honor is reserved for Kim Kardashian), but it feels awesome to know that you're happy with us as we are. Oh, and when you notice small details (like a brand-new manicure or a haircut), it makes us feel like you care enough about us to notice the little things. We expect guys to be oblivious about most things of that nature (and let's face it - they're oblivious about a LOT of things), so you definitely get major points from us if you pay close attention.
2) Wear good cologne - Guys are very visual beings, but girls typically use the other senses when we fall in love. There's nothing more attractive than a man who smells amazing.
3) Listen!!! - This should be an obvious one. We women need to talk out our issues and VENT. That's just the way we're programmed. So spare us an extra few minutes and we promise we'll let you get back to your video game when we're done.
4) Be open with us - If we're giving the relationship our ALL in terms of investing in it emotionally and sharing how we feel, we would really appreciate it if you would do the same. Granted, we don't expect you to be so sensitive that you feel the urge to pop Titanic into the DVD player and sob into a carton of chocolate ice cream. But we do want to know that you are willing to trust us enough to be vulnerable. We know it's harder for guys to open up, but a good girlfriend is there for her honey when he needs her.
5) Understand the meaning of PMS - I think it was a Miley Cyrus movie (The Last Song, I believe) that claimed that PMS is an acronym for "P*ssed at Men Syndrome." While that's not entirely accurate, there will be certain times when a girl will feel and behave a bit irrationally. In the early stages of a dating relationship, boyfriends may find it very confusing. But don't worry; you'll soon get used to it (I like to think so, anyway.)
6) Be creative - Creativity is the key to being romantic. Roses, candy, love letters - whichever way you choose to show that you are crazy about your significant other works just fine. Remember that love needs to be expressed. And "romance" is really just defined as going the extra mile to show that you care.
7) Be supportive - I took a class in high school where the teacher said something that really captures what a relationship is meant to be like. He said that a boyfriend is supposed to be your biggest fan. That means that you should understand your girlfriend's goals and encourage her to pursue her dreams. Relationships are about growing, especially growing with the other person. Both parties in a relationship should support each other and help each other grow into better and more mature people.
So there you have it. All you guys out there: I hope you've found this guide at least somewhat useful. If anything, I certainly had fun writing it.
KT :)
P.S. I'd be interested to hear if any guys have tips on how to be the perfect girlfriend. If so, leave them in the comments below. :)
(Image from weheartit.com)
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