My Boyfriend Chris on what makes a perfect girlfriend

  Hi, all! Do you remember my Rulebook for Guys post on the attributes of a perfect boyfriend? Well, I've asked my boyfriend Chris (read his fabulous blog here) for his opinion on it. And he's done me the favor of writing a list of tips for how to be the perfect girlfriend. Here's what he has to say:
Hello everyone,
My beautiful girlfriend KT asked me to come up with a list of tips on how to be a good girlfriend. So, I came up with a list of eight, and I believe these are essentials for a woman in any relationship. Here are the tips! 
1) Let your boyfriend know when it is "that time of the month": You should at least drop him a hint other than being moody! Most guys can guess when their girlfriend is PMSing, but he cannot be entirely sure. Unless your boyfriend knows for sure, he will not rule out you being mad at him or something being wrong with you. It is also in your best interest to tell him. It will give your boyfriend enough information to deal with the situation and informing him will lessen the chances that he will do something stupid to set you off. If you just vent when you PMS, then your boyfriend will think that you just like getting mad at everyone and everything during "that time of the month". Resultantly, he will distance himself from you.
2) Don't invade a man's cave: When you walk into a man's cave remove your sandals because you walk on holy ground! Guys greatly value their alone time, especially if your boyfriend is introverted. Guys need time to work on something, whether it be working with their hands or with their mind. They need time for a hobby. So when your boyfriend wants to do something other than spend every day with you, let not your heart be troubled. It is perfectly normal, and I think you should actually be worried if your boyfriend does not want alone time or time to do something with his guy friends. That indicates he has an unhealthy emotional attachment to you because of self-esteem issues. He's trying to merge himself with you.
3) Dress like a lady: Unfortunately, most women do not how to dress in a way that makes them beautiful. This always baffles me. Girls put so much money and time into trying to make themselves look good, but most of the time they make themselves look worse. Many girls, for example, load up on makeup but look like they are about to apply for a job at the circus. The caking on of makeup also indicates self-esteem issues. Now, girls do get attention when they wear skimpy clothing, but it still does not mean guys will think that you actually look good. You will attract guys only because hopping in bed with you looks easier than with other girls. Honestly, when I see a women wearing very little clothing, I think that she looks uncomfortable and her mother never taught her how to dress. So dress well while making yourself look beautiful and sexy! 
4) Don't curse or talk trashy: I may be a minority in this category, but girls who talk trashy come across as trashy. I would find it particularly embarrassing if my girlfriend cursed and swore in front of other people too. Furthermore, do not talk about sex and related topics like they are no big deal. It makes you sound like a floozy. 
5) Don't be a feminist: Don't be afraid to let your maternal side show through. Our society has created a taboo on anything that resembles a traditional mother. Remember that if you are dating a good guy, he wants to know that you will be a good mother and a good wife. I do not mean to sound overly traditional or create the impression that you should act like  a Stepford wife. However, saying things such as "I don't like children" or  "women are not naturally mothers" will score you negative points. I am still trying to figure out how a woman could not be a natural mother... 
6) Show off your I.Q.: Don't be afraid to challenge your boyfriend in debates about various issues. Show him that you are intelligent! At the end of the day, a guy neither wants to marry nor date a stupid girl. Girlfriends who lack knowledge and an interest in something that stimulates lively debate come across as boring. A guy worth dating wants a strong, independent woman. A guy wants to know that his girlfriend will also be doing something meaningful with her life.
7) Guys cannot read minds, especially a woman's mind: I know most girls know this one already, since guys usually do a terrible job at reading their girlfriends' emotions. Similar to the advice on PMS, tell your boyfriend when you are upset with him if he asks. You should also just tell him when something is really bothering you. We want to help you! Guys like to be problem solvers. If you do not open up to your boyfriend, he will feel as if you do not trust him. Resultantly, he will feel emasculated because he cannot fix the problem. If you do not tell your boyfriend, he will either think he did something really wrong or that you are just a moody individual. On the other hand, he may think there is nothing wrong and might continue to act in ways that bother you. 
8) Malls and clothing shopping: Sorry girls, but 99% of guys who go clothing shopping with their girlfriends do so only because the guy knows it will make his girlfriend happy. However, do not expect your boyfriend to go clothing shopping every time you go to a mall. He will get bored, and he will forever dread going to the mall with you. 
I hope these tips have helped. Please, leave comments if you have any questions, think I've left something out, you totally disagree with me. 
-Chris Witrak

  I guess this means I'll have to stop making him try on cute jeans at H&M...

    KT :)

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Break vs. break-up

  So in this post I'd like to address and define the difference between two similar and sometimes indistinguishable relationship matters: a break and a break-up. The first, of course, occurs when one or both parties within a relationship sever the romantic bond and end their courtship. The latter, as most of us know, is a little bit trickier. A break is typically a period when two people in a relationship take time off from each other to work on themselves and/or think about where the relationship is going. It does not necessarily mean that the couple is doomed or that it will eventually lead to a break-up (though that's what several people I have spoken to assume.) Rather, it should be a time of growing and learning. But hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's start with the simple stuff first.
  Although I've never experienced a break-up myself, I've seen friends and family members go through it many times. And I must say that it doesn't seem to be very pleasant. Unfortunately, break-ups (especially divorces) are becoming increasingly common and often occur over insignificant reasons. Today's society prefers to end relationships and bonds instead of spending time and effort solving their (sometimes quite fixable) problems, but I'll save that idea for a later post. In my opinion, there are only four legitimate reasons to ever break up with someone. You should end a relationship if and only if:

  1) ...Your significant other is abusive. If the relationship is unhealthy and harmful to one or both parties, it's time to call it quits. Whether its physical or emotional pain, abuse should never be tolerated. A person who truly loves his or her significant other will have no desire to hurt his/her beloved.

  2) ...Someone has been unfaithful. Cheating is one thing that completely boggles my mind. Why are you with someone if you want to be with someone else? I don't buy into the whole "sex addiction/mental illness" garbage as an excuse either. What's wrong is wrong, regardless of the reason(s) for doing it. Loving someone involves loyalty and self-control.

  3) ...You find that you are truly not compatible. If you find yourselves to be so different from each other that you can't even carry on a normal phone conversation without huge pauses and awkward silences, it's a bad sign. I'm not saying that you should be talking over each other and fitting as many words as possible into a second. But there should definitely be mutual interests and a similar sense of humor.

  4) ...You are not in love. Okay, this is the hard one. Because how do you really know whether or not you're in love? I mean, there are signs and qualities about it you can pinpoint, but no one can ever tell you exactly how you feel; you have to figure that out ON YOUR OWN. Scary, right? Still, once you DO figure it out and you know with conviction that you're right, act upon it. Fact is, there are always going to be difficult times in a relationship because no one's perfect. But do the good times outweigh the bad? That's what you have to decide.

  So do any of the above reasons sound like you? Then, a break-up is probably in order. But if none of those match what you're thinking and you're still feeling like something's wrong, maybe you should consider talking to your boo and taking a break. So what exactly is the point of a break? Possible reasons can include:
     - Finding yourself
     - Reassessing your life and seeing if the relationship is working for the both of you
     - Taking time/space for yourself to think and just be you
     - Realizing how much you miss the other person
Of course, these are only a few suggestions. Breaks are not always fun or comfortable, but I've heard from a few friends that they are often very beneficial and can strengthen a relationship.

  Actually, I think that when someone in a relationship needs space to him/herself, the most loving thing his/her significant other can do is to just allow his/her beloved some time to work things out. And since you already know that I like using pop culture references to get my point across, I think I'll share with you what I consider the most romantic song in the world (please disregard the spelling/grammar errors, as I just found this video on Here's David Cook singing "Come Back to Me":

  Isn't that a great song? I think David Cook is awesome, and (confession time) I'm a little in love with his weird acorn-shaped head. Anyway, what I'm trying to say (in the form of Cook's amazing vocals and beautiful lyrics) is that there's always a way if the love is there. I firmly believe that if a relationship is meant to last, it will. And (here I go again with the cliches) "if you love something, set it free; if it comes back to you, it's yours to keep."

    KT :)

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The Landon Carter Effect

  When I was little, my mom used to tell me that books and movies and stories could teach us important lessons about life and love. So in honor of her ideas about life imitating art (or vice versa, actually), I'm dedicating this post to one of my favorite movies that I think offers a bit of wisdom on the nature of relationships. Ever since I first saw A Walk to Remember at the age of 10, I knew I was in love. It's such a beautiful and powerful movie that attempts to define the difficult concept of true love.

  If you haven't seen it yet, then WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Just kidding. If you haven't seen it yet, the plot centers on Bad Boy Landon Carter and his falling in love with Jamie Sullivan, the pastor's daughter who just so happens to be dying of leukemia. It's a tearjerker, I must say, but not in a corny Lifetime-movie kind of way (at least I don't think so.) Throughout the movie, we see Landon transition from a hopeless troublemaker to a devoted boyfriend. So what exactly causes this drastic transformation?

   One of the most amazing things about a good and loving relationship, as per a conversation I recently had with a friend, is the way that being with the other person makes you want to be a better person yourself. As Landon says in the movie, "Jamie has faith in me. She makes me want to be different, better." He falls in love with Jamie and wants to mend his Bad Boy ways because he feels that she deserves a better version of Landon Carter. Although he has never found a reason to soul-search and make over his life before, his love for Jamie motivates him to take a second look at who he's becoming and try to be his best self. The result, of course, is possibly the most beautiful romance in movie history.

  Landon teaches us quite a bit about love and a healthy relationship. Love is about growing with another person, certainly, but it is just as much about change. And I don't mean "change" as merely adapting to your significant other's tastes and patterns. "Change" here refers to the desire and the attempt to improve yourself for your beloved. Now, I'm not saying that two people in a relationship should pick at each other's flaws and call one another out on their respective issues. Rather, you should be inspired to fix your ways and change yourself on your own out of love.

  So what is it that's maybe not-so-great-but-still-fixable about you? An attitude problem? Laziness? Are you just a bad listener? As for me, I know that I'm DEFINITELY not perfect. And fortunately, my boyfriend understands this. But despite my human inability to be perfect, I want to be the best me I can be for the man I love. And no, I'm not always successful. But I try. And I think that's what counts.

  What about you all? Agree or disagree with what I like to call "The Landon Carter Effect"?

    KT :)

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City girl meets nature: when your boyfriend is the outdoorsy type

    So anyone who has ever met me can probably guess that I'm not exactly the kind of girl who likes to get up close and personal with the natural world. I hate bugs, I'm not a fan of wearing sneakers or hiking boots, and I feel much more at home in a shopping mall than in a forest. But this weekend, I got in touch with my inner nature girl. My boyfriend, who loves the idea of finding himself in the middle of the woods surrounded by nothing but trees, planned a hiking date for the two of us. I initally believed that we would be having a picnic at a nice little place just outside suburbia, since my bf called it a "park." And yes, I must say that we did have a lovely picnic - but only after we hiked three miles to get to the area.

  Hiking with my boyfriend turned out to be a great experience, although I wasn't too crazy about the idea in the beginning. I managed to discover quite a bit about myself and my relationship with the amazing guy I call my own. So what sort of life lessons does an up-tight city girl like myself learn from such an encounter with the great outdoors, you might ask? A lot, really. Like, for instance:

  1) Always be prepared. This is super basic. Ever since I was a little kid, my mom trained me to be a good girl scout and "always be prepared" (although it still stings that she never actually allowed me to be a girl scout due to whatever inexplicable and often half-crazy reasons my parents had for not letting me do things. I just wanted endless supplies of Samoa cookies, though, so my motives weren't exactly pure anyway.)  I had packed a (hot pink) lunch bag with sandwiches and snacks before leaving, so we managed not to starve. And Chris had water bottles in his backpack to prevent us from dying of dehydration. So it worked out well. Oh, and I can't forget to mention sunblock. As greasy and gross as it is, both of us did not so much as even turn slightly red. That equals success in my book. And whether it's hiking or studying in college to get a good career or planning financially, it's ALWAYS a good idea to be prepared for the unexpected.
  2) Capture the memories. It isn't every day that I get to climb a fire tower with my love and see 80 miles of the beautiful New York landscape all around us. And I'm not just referring to cameras in this case. Taking pictures is all well and good (as talentless as I am at not cutting people's heads out of photos.) But the best  part about times like this one is the fact that I'm experiencing a moment worth storing in my memory bank forever. And that applies to everything in life. How often do I take my phone out to post a Tweet instead of enojoying the moment I'm experiencing? Technology helps us all stay connected, yes, but it can also distract us from living in the here and now.

  3) Let everything else go and just take it in. Working in superbusy Manhattan every weekday, it's hard for me to simply slow down and take a moment for myself. Hiking with Chris reminded me that it's healthy to take time out of my fast-paced life to stop and breathe in the fresh air. For a whole day, I felt truly free from the stress of taxis whizzing by and people pushing each other to get a seat on the subway. Not that I don't love the City and my amazing job (I absolutely do), but it's nice to forget about doing and just concentrate on being.

  4) Explore different interests. As a typical girly girl, I initially assumed that I would completely detest the outdoors. But you know what? I actually liked it. I thought it was the most fun I've had in a while, and I can't wait to do it all again. I think what I'm trying to say here can be summed up in a couple good ol' cliches: "nothing ventured, nothing gained" and "you never know if you don't try." It's great to discover something completely unexpected about myself, especially since it was with Chris's help. One of the most important factors in a relationship, in my humble opinion, is that you learn about yourself through your significant other. There are so many things I've realized about myself that I wouldn't have figured out without Chris. I like to think that we bring out the best in each other, and that's what makes for a healthy relationship.

  So there you go. Not bad for a girl who considers walking on the concrete floors of High Line Park in New York City a real nature experience, huh? These are my insignificant musings on my hiking trip with Chris. I hope you've enjoyed reading this post, but I also hope that you get to go out yourself and be one-on-one with the awesomeness of nature (if only for a few hours.)


P.S. Chris and I just celebrated 7 months together. So happy anniversary, love! :)
(image taken by yours truly - isn't the view beautiful?)

How to write a love letter

  If you haven't yet surmised from my previous posts that I am a hopeless romantic, I think this short piece will convince you. Recently, one of my close friends helped me discover the lovely art of letter-writing. And I must say that I'm obsessed! In an age of technology where any message can be sent in a split second or less, it's so refreshing and special to take the time to hand-write and mail a letter to someone you care about. Nothing says "I love you" quite like a tangible manifestation of the words in your heart arriving via snail mail at the home of your beloved. And you're pretty much guaranteed that it won't accidentally be delivered to your junk mail box or be cut short because it exceeds 140 characters. Now I know that most people are not exactly as eloquent or as gifted with words as, say, John Adams. But the point of a love letter is to express your deepest and most intimate feelings of affection for your significant other. So just in case you're romantically challenged, I've come up with a few tips to help you in your letter-writing endeavors:
  1) Buy pretty stationery. Pay close attention to the presentation of your letter. Remember that this is something your beloved may keep for quite a long time (if not forever.) So it's important to make it look as lovely as possible. I do have one warning, though: ladies who love pink and glitter and all things pretty, refrain from using overly cutesey and girly decorations. They can distract from the heartfelt nature of the letter.

  2) Write out your thoughts on scrap paper (or in a Word document) first. Keep in mind that hand-written letters are more personal, so it's a good idea to make sure your penmanship is spot-on and there are no scratch-outs throughout the letter. Also, it's best to organize your words and thoughts first so that you say exactly what you mean and don't hop around from one idea to a completely unrelated thought in the next sentence.

  3) Find the perfect balance between lovey dovey and direct. Yes, love letters are famous for being superfluous and almost too sugary sweet. That's all well and good. But what's the use in sending a letter that really has no substance to it? No one wants to read marshmallow fluff. So while you shouldn't completely neglect the traditional overflow of affection in your love letter, remember to make your point. Share how you feel and tell your beloved why you love him/her.

  4)  Be honest and genuine. Don't promise your beloved the rest of your life if you don't even have plans for next week. Most importantly, be yourself. A lot of people get caught up in what they think is romantic and try to write about and copy what they've seen in movies or read in books. Here's something you should know: you and your significant other are NOT Romeo and Juliet, nor should you want to be. You have a unique love story that's all your own. So write the words in your heart, not the ones you think would be deemed appropriately romantic. Be YOU because that's who your beloved has fallen in love with.

  5) Add personal touches to your love letter. Spritz the note with your favorite perfume or leave a lipstick kiss mark on the bottom of the page. My trademark is that I always seal my envelopes with pretty stickers (mainly because they look nice but also because I can't stand licking the envelope flap.) A love letter should be very personalized and special. It should make your beloved instantly think of you when he/she opens it. If you adorn your letter with elements of you and your love story, your significant other is bound to love it.
  So there you have it. I really hope this has helped you create the perfect love letter. If you follow these tips, you'll turn into an instant John Keats (well, not really, but you get the idea) and your beloved will treasure your letter forever (or until you break up, but hey let's not be negative.) (Just kidding about that last part.)

KT :)
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Kitten and Doctor Flash on what makes a good significant other

  Hey, all! Remember my Rulebook for Guys post?

  Well, my friend Kristina has written her own list of qualifications for a great boyfriend. Check out her suggestions (they're really good!) here: What Makes a Good Boyfriend.

  And let's not leave the guys out of this - her boyfriend has also composed a list of things most guys look for in a girlfriend! Read it here: What Makes a Good Girlfriend

KT :)

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Things that make me happy

  In the chaos of New York City and the hectic/stressful hours of work, it's easy to get caught up and lose yourself in the rush of minutes and faces. Therefore, I've decided that I'm going to write down and savor the small joys of my day. Here goes my first try.

  Today I smiled because....

  - I got a seat on the train! Granted, it wasn't until most of the passengers had cleared out after the fourth stop. But still - yayyyy!

  - Starbucks brought in more food selections! I'm usually stuck getting the same turkey-and-cheese sandwich, but today they had - drumroll, please - pesto pasta!!! It's my favorite!
  - I had lunch in the park with a friend. A fellow intern and I bought food and took a walk through the beautiful High Line Park. It was such a nice day, too!

  - My friend texted me to tell me that Owl City wrote a new Christian song, Galaxies. And I heard it on the radio this morning - so good! Listen to it here:

  That's all for now, you guys!

  KT :)

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Why I will never be a bridezilla

  So I was checking out a magazine website (, to be exact), and I came across the sweetest article I've ever read. Clicking on the link, I was taken to a page that featured a photo of a beautiful wedding gown any bride-to-be would kill for. But you know what was even more lovely than the dress? The story behind it! It turns out that the young bride had created the dress from a parachute - specifically, the parachute that saved her future husband's life while he was serving in World War II. Weddings were expensive (yes, even then), and the fabrics to make a gown were not readily available. So they used something that meant so much to them in their wedding. How cute is that?  

  I'm a huge sucker for romance and love stories, so I naturally love the idea of wedding details with sentimental value. I remember that when my one of my cousins got married, he and his wife gave pear-shaped wedding favors because our last name means "pear-pickers." And another cousin gave love letter openers that alluded to the letter-exchanging relationship of John and Abigail Adams. At the risk of sounding cliche here, it really is the story behind something that matters most.

  There's nothing I hate more than when grooms and bridezillas get so obsessed with perfection and the expenses of the party that they miss the whole point of the wedding. After all, a wedding is meant to celebrate two people (not their sense of taste or the thickness of their wallets.) Spending zillions of dollars on a lavish ceremony and party is all well and good, but a wedding is not about how fabulous everything looks and how many tiers the cake has. It's supposed to celebrate the everlasting love between a man and woman. If you look at it that way, then the parachute gown becomes way more valuable and beautiful than any Vera Wang dress. And while I have not yet come up with any brilliant ideas on how to incorporate sentimental details into my own future wedding (whenever that should happen), I can promise that I will be far more excited about marrying my husband than about outdoing Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal celebration.

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Is Chivalry REALLY Dead?

  When I was younger, I used to dream about going back in time and living in the Medieval era (which would be a great time period to live in if, you know, toilet paper and vaccines had already been invented then.) What attracted me most to that era, of course, was the romantic idea of knights in shining armor. Growing up, I believed that my dating life would parallel the beautiful love stories of that long-gone age. I imagined that I would be the princess and he would be the gallant knight who would sweep me off my feet and treat me the way I deserved to be treated. And while I certainly have found my knight in shining armor (or my knight in shining tin foil, as he likes to jokingly refer to himself), I must say that his breed of kind and noble gentlemen is a rare one.
  This morning as I was boarding the train to New York, I was pushed and shoved by people (mostly men!) trying to get seats. I was one of the last to get on the train and at that point, I knew that I'd be standing the whole ride. In high heels. Very very very uncomfortable heels. And what were the men doing? Sitting comfortably in their seats, of course. They didn't even bother to look my way as I gave them all death stares. It wasn't even the first time something like that happened. A few days ago, I gave up my seat for a woman who was clearly with child (because none of the guys did so.) Seriously, they were all too busy napping or flipping through their newspapers. And then I couldn't help but wonder: am I the one who's wrong in this situation? Is giving up a seat for a woman NOT on the same level as opening a door for her?
  So I consulted the person I trust most on this topic: my boyfriend. He's the sort of guy who always holds my door open, walks by the curb, and lets me go first in whatever we're doing. His answer? A resounding yes! Men are SUPPOSED to let a woman have their seat if she is standing. He's right - where's the manliness and sense of honor in making a girl (and her tired/abused feet) jealous of how relaxed you look in that air-conditioned seat? Is it really so hard for you to give up those twenty or so minutes of extra sleeping time? Ugh! It gets me so annoyed.
  Just when I was starting to lose hope in the male species as a whole, however, something quite unexpected occurred on my Path ride home. It was a particularly bumpy ride and, despite holding onto the pole in the center of the car for dear life, I tumbled forward and nearly toppled over. Just when I began to blush from embarrassment, the man standing beside me turned and said, "Don't worry; if you fall, I'll try my best to catch you." And yes, it was a small gesture. But it was more than any of the snoring guys sprawled on their seats had ever done. So it did instill in me a little speck of faith in 21st century men.
  Anyway, the moral of this rant blog post is that guys need to learn some etiquette. It really only takes some care and manners to become a girl's chivalrous white knight (even if just for the length of the train ride.)

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The Great Date Debate - Movies

  So if there's one major conflict in my relationship with my boyfriend, it's what movie to watch when we're on a date. While we both love going to the theaters and seeing brand-new movies, my favorite thing is to just sit on my living room couch with him and watch one of the many many many films I haven't seen yet. (So that means that yes, I will be including older movies in this post.) Anyway, our arguments stem from the fact that we sometimes have trouble selecting a movie since we both have such different tastes - I love chick flicks and romantic comedies, while he'll sit through anything with action and violence (regardless of how lame the plot may be.) And you know what I've realized? My boyfriend and I are not the only couple who finds this a problem. I've met a few couples who like to take turns picking what to watch (which we've tried ourselves, though it has backfired because we can never remember who had the previous pick.) In any case, I've written up a short list of the best traditionally girly flicks that guys also find very watchable. Here goes:

  1) The Notebook - I know this one has a bad reputation and every guy in the world complains and groans when the woman in his life forces him to watch it, but most boys I know actually really like it. Granted, it's not a movie he would pick out on his own or with his buddies, but my boyfriend has said himself that it's a good movie. It works because it's not overly gushy and sad (a la Titanic.) True, they die. But they're old already and have clearly lived a good life together. So it's not as horrible as, say, letting your boyfriend freeze and drown in the middle of the Atlantic.

  2) The Wedding Singer - This has to be my all-time favorite rom com. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have amazing chemistry (also demonstrated in the later film 50 First Dates.) And what guy doesn't love Adam Sandler (especially if he's old enough to remember his time on Saturday Night Live)? Oh, and I always replay the song Wanna Grow Old with You a million times when it comes on my iPod...

  3) Casablanca - Yes, it's in black-and-white. But it's one of those timeless movies of unrequited love that both genders can appreciate. Who hasn't liked, or even loved, someone who didn't reciprocate those feelings? This one's definitely a tearjerker, but in a good way. In an oh-my-goodness-that-was-so-sad-and-beautiful bittersweet way.
  4) The Ugly Truth - I'm not even sure if this counts as a chick flick, since the humor's a bit vulgar and leans towards "guy movie" status. But it's got Gerard Butler (with whom I was obsessed during my early teenage years when he played the Phantom in the film version of the Broadway musical.)

  So those would be my top 4 picks. I like to think that they're not too emotional and sappy...

  And because I can't leave the guys out of this one, here's a list of boy movies that girls might actually enjoy too:

  1) Braveheart - It's about a guy trying to avenge the death of his bride. So yes, there's war. But there's also romance, which makes it that much better.

  2) Fight Club - Guys love this movie because of the Fight part. Here's the thing about Fight Club, though: it's not really about fighting. True, there does happen to be a lot of violence. But there's soooo much more you can get out of this movie. The first time I watched it, I spent about two hours just trying to analyze it from eight million different perspectives.

  Okay, so I can only think of two. I realize this list is slightly off balance, but hey, I'm a girl myself and have watched wayyy more rom coms than action flicks.
  So if you're still reading this, tell me: is there any movie I'm missing that should be on either of these lists?


KT :)

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Rulebook for Guys - How to Be the Perfect Boyfriend

  As a woman in her waning teenage years, I can say one thing with absolute conviction: the female species is impossibly difficult to understand. (Ask my boyfriend - the only explanation I can give for his loving me even on my worst days is that he is amazing.)That's why I feel the utmost sympathy for guys who have decided to venture into the crazy world of a dating relationship. And, of course, that's why I'm writing this post. I hope that by the time you finish reading this, you will have a better understanding of what exactly girls need and want from a boyfriend. Here's a list of things that I believe every man should do:

  1) Compliment us (but only if it's genuine!) - We girls loooooove when you give us a thumbs up and let us know you appreciate us. I'm not saying that you should tell us we're the most beautiful woman in the world (we all know that honor is reserved for Kim Kardashian), but it feels awesome to know that you're happy with us as we are. Oh, and when you notice small details (like a brand-new manicure or a haircut), it makes us feel like you care enough about us to notice the little things. We expect guys to be oblivious about most things of that nature (and let's face it - they're oblivious about a LOT of things), so you definitely get major points from us if you pay close attention.

  2) Wear good cologne - Guys are very visual beings, but girls typically use the other senses when we fall in love. There's nothing more attractive than a man who smells amazing.

  3) Listen!!! - This should be an obvious one. We women need to talk out our issues and VENT. That's just the way we're programmed. So spare us an extra few minutes and we promise we'll let you get back to your video game when we're done.

  4) Be open with us - If we're giving the relationship our ALL in terms of investing in it emotionally and sharing how we feel, we would really appreciate it if you would do the same. Granted, we don't expect you to be so sensitive that you feel the urge to pop Titanic into the DVD player and sob into a carton of chocolate ice cream. But we do want to know that you are willing to trust us enough to be vulnerable. We know it's harder for guys to open up, but a good girlfriend is there for her honey when he needs her.

  5) Understand the meaning of PMS - I think it was a Miley Cyrus movie (The Last Song, I believe) that claimed that PMS is an acronym for "P*ssed at Men Syndrome." While that's not entirely accurate, there will be certain times when a girl will feel and behave a bit irrationally. In the early stages of a dating relationship, boyfriends may find it very confusing. But don't worry; you'll soon get used to it (I like to think so, anyway.)
  6) Be creative - Creativity is the key to being romantic. Roses, candy, love letters - whichever way you choose to show that you are crazy about your significant other works just fine. Remember that love needs to be expressed. And "romance" is really just defined as going the extra mile to show that you care.

  7) Be supportive - I took a class in high school where the teacher said something that really captures what a relationship is meant to be like. He said that a boyfriend is supposed to be your biggest fan. That means that you should understand your girlfriend's goals and encourage her to pursue her dreams. Relationships are about growing, especially growing with the other person. Both parties in a relationship should support each other and help each other grow into better and more mature people.

  So there you have it. All you guys out there: I hope you've found this guide at least somewhat useful. If anything, I certainly had fun writing it.


KT :)

P.S. I'd be interested to hear if any guys have tips on how to be the perfect girlfriend. If so, leave them in the comments below.  :)

(Image from

New York, New York - My Daily Adventures in the Big Apple

Okay, so I think it's about time that I revisit the wonderful world of blogging. As many of my lovely friends know, I am currently interning at a pretty awesome (and big!) company in New York City. The Big Apple is a lovely place to be, but I have to say that I've seen my share of odd things in my first two weeks of work here. So in honor of my newfound New-Yorkerness, I will dedicate this post to the top 5 weirdest/most disturbing things I've witnessed on the streets of New York. Check it out:

  1) Crazy fashions - While boarding the subway today, I saw a guy wearing a feather headdress. Seriously. It might have looked cool if he had an olive skin tone and looked Native American, but the man was clearly Caucasian. Fail. I've also seen a guy with hot pink suspenders, a woman wearing gym socks over her stockings, and a girl with star-shaped earrings so large they could have passed for bracelets. I wish I had photos to show you all, but I haven't yet mastered the art of discreetly whipping out my phone to sneak a quick picture.

  2) A man using a phone booth (but not the phone) - That's right. I guess he was a little drunk and confused this phone booth with a urinal. And he had absolutely no shame despite the fact that he was relieving himself in the middle of a busy New York sidewalk. Lovely.

  3) Feisty bums - I can't go a day in the City without homeless men hitting on me. I don't know what it is about their lifestyle that makes them more prone to obnoxious catcalling, but I definitely do not appreciate it. Are they thinking that it will inspire me to give them my loose change? When they pay me a compliment, are they expecting me to pay them back? I don't know...

  4) Scooters - This is a very interesting trend I've noticed in New York. Remember the razor scooter that was the toy of the decade back in the early 2000's? Well, commuters here like to use said scooter to get where they're going faster. And I'm not talking about little kids. Older people, men and women dressed in suits and dresses, ride around on these like they're the coolest things ever. They look quite funny, actually.

  5) Paris Hilton - Okay, so this doesn't count as weird or disturbing. On the contrary, meeting her made me realize that celebrities (in spite if their glamorous lifestyles and expensive clothes) are human beings. And they actually do exist apart from on our television screens! They're part of our metaphysical reality! Isn't that crazy? I've met a few less famous celebs, but Paris is probably the one that shocked me the most. I saw her with her parents; she was acting like a normal girl and enjoying the company of her family and friends. And that just made me think: even though she's larger than life, she's just like any of us at the end of the day. And that's the part I thought could possibly fit under the "weird" label, since you wouldn't really expect it.

  So there's my list. I hope it's given you a little glimpse as to what being in the City every day is like. All I can say is that I'm thoroughly appreciating my time at this fabulous internship and soaking up the culture of the greatest city in the world. I'm really excited to reenter the blogosphere, and I hope you'll stay tuned for more lists and anecdotes and all that good stuff in the future.


KT :)

(Image from