The Great Date Debate - Movies

  So if there's one major conflict in my relationship with my boyfriend, it's what movie to watch when we're on a date. While we both love going to the theaters and seeing brand-new movies, my favorite thing is to just sit on my living room couch with him and watch one of the many many many films I haven't seen yet. (So that means that yes, I will be including older movies in this post.) Anyway, our arguments stem from the fact that we sometimes have trouble selecting a movie since we both have such different tastes - I love chick flicks and romantic comedies, while he'll sit through anything with action and violence (regardless of how lame the plot may be.) And you know what I've realized? My boyfriend and I are not the only couple who finds this a problem. I've met a few couples who like to take turns picking what to watch (which we've tried ourselves, though it has backfired because we can never remember who had the previous pick.) In any case, I've written up a short list of the best traditionally girly flicks that guys also find very watchable. Here goes:

  1) The Notebook - I know this one has a bad reputation and every guy in the world complains and groans when the woman in his life forces him to watch it, but most boys I know actually really like it. Granted, it's not a movie he would pick out on his own or with his buddies, but my boyfriend has said himself that it's a good movie. It works because it's not overly gushy and sad (a la Titanic.) True, they die. But they're old already and have clearly lived a good life together. So it's not as horrible as, say, letting your boyfriend freeze and drown in the middle of the Atlantic.

  2) The Wedding Singer - This has to be my all-time favorite rom com. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore have amazing chemistry (also demonstrated in the later film 50 First Dates.) And what guy doesn't love Adam Sandler (especially if he's old enough to remember his time on Saturday Night Live)? Oh, and I always replay the song Wanna Grow Old with You a million times when it comes on my iPod...

  3) Casablanca - Yes, it's in black-and-white. But it's one of those timeless movies of unrequited love that both genders can appreciate. Who hasn't liked, or even loved, someone who didn't reciprocate those feelings? This one's definitely a tearjerker, but in a good way. In an oh-my-goodness-that-was-so-sad-and-beautiful bittersweet way.
  4) The Ugly Truth - I'm not even sure if this counts as a chick flick, since the humor's a bit vulgar and leans towards "guy movie" status. But it's got Gerard Butler (with whom I was obsessed during my early teenage years when he played the Phantom in the film version of the Broadway musical.)

  So those would be my top 4 picks. I like to think that they're not too emotional and sappy...

  And because I can't leave the guys out of this one, here's a list of boy movies that girls might actually enjoy too:

  1) Braveheart - It's about a guy trying to avenge the death of his bride. So yes, there's war. But there's also romance, which makes it that much better.

  2) Fight Club - Guys love this movie because of the Fight part. Here's the thing about Fight Club, though: it's not really about fighting. True, there does happen to be a lot of violence. But there's soooo much more you can get out of this movie. The first time I watched it, I spent about two hours just trying to analyze it from eight million different perspectives.

  Okay, so I can only think of two. I realize this list is slightly off balance, but hey, I'm a girl myself and have watched wayyy more rom coms than action flicks.
  So if you're still reading this, tell me: is there any movie I'm missing that should be on either of these lists?


KT :)

(Image from

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