My Boyfriend Chris on what makes a perfect girlfriend

  Hi, all! Do you remember my Rulebook for Guys post on the attributes of a perfect boyfriend? Well, I've asked my boyfriend Chris (read his fabulous blog here) for his opinion on it. And he's done me the favor of writing a list of tips for how to be the perfect girlfriend. Here's what he has to say:
Hello everyone,
My beautiful girlfriend KT asked me to come up with a list of tips on how to be a good girlfriend. So, I came up with a list of eight, and I believe these are essentials for a woman in any relationship. Here are the tips! 
1) Let your boyfriend know when it is "that time of the month": You should at least drop him a hint other than being moody! Most guys can guess when their girlfriend is PMSing, but he cannot be entirely sure. Unless your boyfriend knows for sure, he will not rule out you being mad at him or something being wrong with you. It is also in your best interest to tell him. It will give your boyfriend enough information to deal with the situation and informing him will lessen the chances that he will do something stupid to set you off. If you just vent when you PMS, then your boyfriend will think that you just like getting mad at everyone and everything during "that time of the month". Resultantly, he will distance himself from you.
2) Don't invade a man's cave: When you walk into a man's cave remove your sandals because you walk on holy ground! Guys greatly value their alone time, especially if your boyfriend is introverted. Guys need time to work on something, whether it be working with their hands or with their mind. They need time for a hobby. So when your boyfriend wants to do something other than spend every day with you, let not your heart be troubled. It is perfectly normal, and I think you should actually be worried if your boyfriend does not want alone time or time to do something with his guy friends. That indicates he has an unhealthy emotional attachment to you because of self-esteem issues. He's trying to merge himself with you.
3) Dress like a lady: Unfortunately, most women do not how to dress in a way that makes them beautiful. This always baffles me. Girls put so much money and time into trying to make themselves look good, but most of the time they make themselves look worse. Many girls, for example, load up on makeup but look like they are about to apply for a job at the circus. The caking on of makeup also indicates self-esteem issues. Now, girls do get attention when they wear skimpy clothing, but it still does not mean guys will think that you actually look good. You will attract guys only because hopping in bed with you looks easier than with other girls. Honestly, when I see a women wearing very little clothing, I think that she looks uncomfortable and her mother never taught her how to dress. So dress well while making yourself look beautiful and sexy! 
4) Don't curse or talk trashy: I may be a minority in this category, but girls who talk trashy come across as trashy. I would find it particularly embarrassing if my girlfriend cursed and swore in front of other people too. Furthermore, do not talk about sex and related topics like they are no big deal. It makes you sound like a floozy. 
5) Don't be a feminist: Don't be afraid to let your maternal side show through. Our society has created a taboo on anything that resembles a traditional mother. Remember that if you are dating a good guy, he wants to know that you will be a good mother and a good wife. I do not mean to sound overly traditional or create the impression that you should act like  a Stepford wife. However, saying things such as "I don't like children" or  "women are not naturally mothers" will score you negative points. I am still trying to figure out how a woman could not be a natural mother... 
6) Show off your I.Q.: Don't be afraid to challenge your boyfriend in debates about various issues. Show him that you are intelligent! At the end of the day, a guy neither wants to marry nor date a stupid girl. Girlfriends who lack knowledge and an interest in something that stimulates lively debate come across as boring. A guy worth dating wants a strong, independent woman. A guy wants to know that his girlfriend will also be doing something meaningful with her life.
7) Guys cannot read minds, especially a woman's mind: I know most girls know this one already, since guys usually do a terrible job at reading their girlfriends' emotions. Similar to the advice on PMS, tell your boyfriend when you are upset with him if he asks. You should also just tell him when something is really bothering you. We want to help you! Guys like to be problem solvers. If you do not open up to your boyfriend, he will feel as if you do not trust him. Resultantly, he will feel emasculated because he cannot fix the problem. If you do not tell your boyfriend, he will either think he did something really wrong or that you are just a moody individual. On the other hand, he may think there is nothing wrong and might continue to act in ways that bother you. 
8) Malls and clothing shopping: Sorry girls, but 99% of guys who go clothing shopping with their girlfriends do so only because the guy knows it will make his girlfriend happy. However, do not expect your boyfriend to go clothing shopping every time you go to a mall. He will get bored, and he will forever dread going to the mall with you. 
I hope these tips have helped. Please, leave comments if you have any questions, think I've left something out, you totally disagree with me. 
-Chris Witrak

  I guess this means I'll have to stop making him try on cute jeans at H&M...

    KT :)

(image from


  1. *slow, cultured clap* Well done, Chris. And Caitlin, of course, for dating such a man! :)

  2. Wow, what an awesome post! He sounds great. It made me smile because my boyfriend's name is Chris as well... :) Awesome guest post!
